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obs. slander
gen. wear out clothes; surround oneself with a fence; fence oneself in
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obs. about

verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. short-change (Ремедиос_П); environ; hem in (чем-л.); hem about (чем-л.); hem round (чем-л.); troll about; wind; carry around; enclose; not serve; carry; serve (everyone); pass by (while serving); fence in; twine; encompass (стеной); surround (with a fence, wall, etc.); serve round; leave out while serving; pass over; peg
Gruzovik leave out while serving (impf of обнести); enclose with; pass over while serving (impf of обнести)
cycl. portage; carry the rapid
el. solid wall; solid wall-ed
Gruzovik, inf. wear in new clothing or footwear (pf of обнашивать); fray (pf of обнашивать); wear out (pf of обнашивать)
Gruzovik, obs. slander (impf of обнести)
inf. fray; wear in (new clothing or footwear); wear out
Makarov. barrier in (перилами и т. п.); barrier off (перилами и т. п.); serve round (гостей напитками, угощением)
mil., tech. belay (канат)
nautic. bring to (снасть); pass; bring (на шпиль)
obs. compass (стеной и т.п.); slander; girth (стеной)
tech. enclosure
обноситься v
gen. wear out one's clothes; surround oneself with a fence; wear out all one's clothes
Gruzovik fence oneself in (impf of обнестись); surround oneself with a fence (impf of обнестись)
Gruzovik, inf. become comfortable of new clothing or footwear (pf of обнашиваться); become worn in of new clothing or footwear (pf of обнашиваться); become frayed of clothing or footwear (pf of обнашиваться); become worn out of clothing or footwear (pf of обнашиваться)
inf. become frayed; become worn in (of new clothing or footwear); become worn out (of clothing or footwear); fray; wear in (new clothing or footwear); wear out
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: 142 phrases in 13 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Obsolete / dated4