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gen. leak out; become apparent; manifest; be tracked down; kythe; declare itself
astronaut. open up
econ. show up
geol. crop out
Makarov. be out
| компонент -локальную фабрику сеансов управления данными
 компонент-локальная фабрика сеансов управления данными
d.b.. local session factory bean
| и
gen. and
| выполнить связывание
 выполнить связывание
progr. bind
| с
el. centi-
- only individual words found

verb | verb | to phrases
обнаружить vstresses
gen. spot; break forth; bring forth; bring out; lay open; locate; lay bare; bespeak; detect; manifest (в знач. "проявить": While still a university student, Carl Benz manifested a keen interest in steam engines and steam motors.); descry; find; nail; rout; trace; give away; chance; espy (недостаток); hit; scare up; sight; uncap; show up; learn (Franka_LV); hit upon (случайно Игорь Primo); drag to light (Logos66); diagnose; diagnosticate; signalize; spy out; unravel something (bigmaxus); catch someone out; uncurtain (ssn); come (правду, причины, факты); meet (что-либо, при чтении и т.п.); unshroud; develop; discover; reveal; display; wise up (Noso4ek); find out (They found him out before he could launch the rebellion. Val_Ships); have picked up on (financial-engineer); betray
Gruzovik disclose (pf of обнаруживать)
Игорь Миг get a fix on the location
amer. rake up (при поиске чего-либо Val_Ships); turn up (She turned up the missing keys under her briefcase. Val_Ships); make (находку; the find Val_Ships)
astronaut. sense
comp., MS detect (To find something)
crim.law. recover (тело жертвы Zhongguotong); disposing (SergMesch)
ed., subj. demonstrate (knowledge LauraFriend)
goldmin. identify (Leonid Dzhepko)
inet. get something by surfing (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. find oneself (I found myself idly playing with it throughout the day. 4uzhoj); track down (Shemy); make the find (что-либо Val_Ships)
law detect (преступника)
Makarov. bring to light; lay open (намерения, заговор); run to earth; be found; chance on; chance upon; come at (правду, причины, факты); come upon; hit on; hit upon; make out; search out; throw up (что-либо неприятное)
math. exhibit; recognize; show; uncover; see
med. catch (maystay)
mil. unearth
railw. make visible
slang find out; tip one's mitt; pick up (The dog picked up the fox's smell. == Собака учуяла запах лисы.); corral; scare-up (что-то особенное); sniff out (Interex)
tech. pinpoint
torped. come upon (что-либо, smth.)
uncom. ostend
обнаружиться v
gen. leak out; become apparent; manifest; be tracked down (Andrew Goff); kythe; declare itself; detect; disclose; discover; display; find out; locate; spot; uncover; be disclosed (Andrey Truhachev); develop; reveal itself; reveal oneself; reveal; be revealed; come out; get found out (Dessinee au The); transpire (It later transpired that the appearance of the Russian mercenaries had nothing to do with the Belarusian elections or Russian meddling, rather it was part of a Ukrainian sting operation that had been cut short. bellingcat.com); show themselves (Andrey Truhachev); become visible (Andrey Truhachev); become obvious (Andrey Truhachev); come to light; show; take air (о тайне); break forth; turn up; take wind
Gruzovik be revealed (pf of обнаруживаться)
astronaut. open up
econ. show up
geol. crop out
idiom. be out in the open (VLZ_58)
Makarov. be out; come to the surface; leak out (о секрете, новости и т. п.); turn out; be apparent
math. be found out; be made evident; float; emerge; appear; be discovered
обнаруживший prtc.
product. who brought up (Yeldar Azanbayev); who found out (Yeldar Azanbayev); who exposed (Yeldar Azanbayev); who discovered (Yeldar Azanbayev); who encountered (Yeldar Azanbayev)
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