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noun | adjective | to phrases
облом nstresses
gen. swizz (linton); bummer (в сленговом значении LoAndBehold); fail (odonata); broken off piece; belt; anticlimax (sever_korrespondent)
Gruzovik broken-off piece; breaking off
arch. profile
archit. mold
construct. mould; moulding; offset; perch; molding
forestr. broken end
Gruzovik, archit. profile
Gruzovik, inf. bumpkin (an insulting word for someone who lives in the country; this word is used by people who think that people from the country are not intelligent or educated); clodhopper (someone who often accidentally breaks things or knocks things over; do not confuse with a thick and heavy shoe)
inf. a flub; a washout; bit of a bummer (добавлено goglesque mahavishnu); downer (Anglophile); meltdown (This is a total meltdown – Это полный облом Taras); fuckup (domestos); washout (domestos); screwjob (Taras); nice try (ParanoIDioteque); can of worms (Got a can of worms: Сплошные обломы nicknicky777); bumpkin; clodhopper; screwup (Val_Ships); nothing doing (VLZ_58); nothing came of it (VLZ_58); bust (failure) (Am. Andrey Truhachev); no-go (Andrey Truhachev); failure (Andrey Truhachev); flop (Andrey Truhachev); flub (Andrey Truhachev); wipeout (Andrey Truhachev); whiff (chronik); glitch (Agasphere); a flop; a wipeout (неудача a failure); let down (What a let-down! Aly19); cock-up (British/Canadian: something done badly or inefficiently; a result of incompetence or inefficiency: "we've made a total cock-up of it" (Oxford Dictionary): Whenever politicians want a news story to disappear they announce a task force, one which will spend an undetermined period of time with the result being a report which, in the unlikely event it is decipherable, will avoid holding anyone involved accountable for the cock-up. nsnews.com ART Vancouver); frustration (I. Havkin)
jarg. fiasco (YaLa); deal killer (Халеев)
slang weinie; weener; weeney; weenie; weiner; wienie; letdown (Lu4ik); bringdown; flake-out; bummer (Franka_LV); buzzkill (I found the Grinch to be a relatable, engaging character. I was really with him up to the point that he succumbed to social convention and returned the presents and saved Christmas. What a buzzkill that was. Dan von Winterfell); cock-up (trtrtr); mishap (Ego-R77); downtrip (boggler); tough break (VLZ_58); tough luck (VLZ_58); not having any luck (C квартирой у меня облом. – I am not having any luck with finding an apartment. VLZ_58); it's uh bust (You're at the movie theater and some asshole has his loud crying kids with him and doesn't take them out and you miss some critical parts of the flick. Uh huge bust george serebryakov); bad luck (VLZ_58)
wood. break
"облом" n
gen. breakdown (x741)
chess.term. complete failure
облом! n
inf. oops! (Eugsam)
обломы n
gen. surbase
обломов n
gen. shiftless (lazy and having no ambition to succeed in life: He's so shiftless. – Он настоящий обломов. matchin); lazy-butt loner (I am one of those lazy-butt loners who can poke my way through a day and never feel a second has been wasted. VPK)
обломы n
archit. moulding; profiles
архитектурный облом n
construct. mold (тж. pl); mould
Обломов n
inf. couch potato
облый adj.
obs. roundish (Супру); orbed (Супру); rounded (Супру)
obs., dial. corpulent; fat; obese; round
: 79 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling1