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облачные приложения
 облачное приложение
comp. cloud app
comp., net. cloud application
inet. cloudy application
| и
gen. and
book. versus
| службы
gen. situation

to phrases
облачное приложениеstresses
comp. cloud app (Short for cloud application, cloud app is the phrase used to describe a software application that is never installed on a local computer. Instead, it is accessed via the Internet; см. cloud application 'More)
comp., net. cloud application (derex)
inet. cloudy application (In its just-released Compute Platforms (PDF) report, analysts Peter Lin and Matthew Wilkins say that there were 460,000 servers shipping in 2010 that were designed expressly for hyperscale infrastructure workloads that sit behind cloudy applications like those available from Google, Apple, and Amazon. Victorian)
progr. cloud-based application (Alex_Odeychuk); cloud based application (ssn); cloud based app (ssn); cloud-first app (Microsoft Alex_Odeychuk); cloud-native application (англ. термин взят из кн.: Shukla A. Building Web Apps with Spring 5 and Angular Alex_Odeychuk)
облачные приложения
: 35 phrases in 8 subjects
Cloud technologies1
Computer networks1
Information security and data protection2