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verb | verb | to phrases
облачаться vstresses
gen. robe; busk
cleric. put on robes
Gruzovik, inf. array oneself (impf of облачиться)
Gruzovik, relig. put on robes (impf of облачиться)
Makarov. deck oneself out
poetic vest
rel., christ. put something on
slang dog out
uncom. endue (во что-либо); indue (во что-либо)
облачать v
gen. array; clothe (a clergyman); apparel; enrobe; invest; robe; vest; vesture; dight; attire; busk; indue (with); pall; garb; gown; cloak (Claiming such a mandate cloaks the presidents' initiatives in a veil of democratic legitimacy. eugenealper)
book. habit; enclothe
cleric. robe (in)
Gruzovik, inf. array in (impf of облачить)
Gruzovik, relig. robe in (impf of облачить)
inf. dress up; deck out
inf., humor. array (in)
Makarov. indue; array in; attire in (обыкн. pass); deck oneself out (in); get up in; invest with; robe in
math. dress (frames)
poetic garment
uncom. endue
облачающий prtc.
obs. investive
relig. appareling
: 12 phrases in 3 subjects