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gen. fuel; allow for; look to; pull off; be behind
bus.styl. install
h.rghts.act. secure
law promote
law, contr. ensure that
product. support with
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busin. gaining
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verb | verb | to phrases
обеспечить vstresses
gen. look to (look to somebody/something, phrasal verb 1. to depend on someone to provide help, advice etc. look to somebody/something for: look to somebody to do something: 2. to pay attention to something, especially in order to improve it: LDOCE: We look to you for support. • They’re looking to the new manager to make the company profitable. • We must look to our defences. Alexander Demidov); furnish; make provision; achieve; allow; make sure; cinch; instate; sure; find in (чем-либо: they find him in clothes – они его одевают); fix up with (кого-либо, чем-либо); facilitate (mascot); take care of (кого-либо); fix up with (снабдить, кого-либо, чем-либо); take care about (кого-либо); see that (vbadalov); kit out (According to contract,the employer is obliged kit out the workers by overalls. – Согласно контракту, работодатель обязан обеспечить рабочих спецодеждой. Rust71); hook up with (Дмитрий_Р); fix up; make possible (Tanya Gesse); enable (Tanya Gesse); account for (MichaelBurov); support (Tiny Tony); insure; provide for; stock up; supply (with); find; guaranty; make; obligate; assure; guarantee; protect; yield (MichaelBurov); muster (eugenealper); line up (Mark had a job lined up when he left college. Alexander Demidov); maintain; equip with (Johnny Bravo); accommodate (потребность: That isn't enough teachers to accommodate the student boom, meaning more students in every classroom, Harwood said. 4uzhoj); make arrangements for (In case I can't attend, I will make necessary arrangements for another parent to chaperone my child. – ...обязуюсь обеспечить сопровождение моего ребенка другим взрослым. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik provide with (pf of обеспечивать); supply with (pf of обеспечивать); stock up (pf of обеспечивать); provide for (pf of обеспечивать); insure (pf of обеспечивать); protect (pf of обеспечивать)
Игорь Миг fuel (It fuelled the move out of the Stone Age into the Bronze Age.); allow for; pull off (They're not good enough to pull off the cover-up.); be behind; garner
account. honour (банкноты металлическим покрытием)
amer. cinch (какое-либо дело, успех)
astronaut. collateralize
bus.styl. install (установленными объектами, напр., заправками MichaelBurov)
dipl. make provision (что-либо)
econ. lock to location in (с помощью срочной сделки определённый уровень цены); honor (банкноты металлическим покрытием); lock in (с помощью срочной сделки определённый уровень цены)
fin. make available (кого-либо Александр Стерляжников)
h.rghts.act. secure (allp1ne); procure (allp1ne)
idiom. carter (т.е дать возможность реализовать Alexsword92)
law promote (контекстуальный перевод: In their interpretation and development regard should be had to the need to promote: (a) uniformity of application; (b) good faith and fair dealing; and (c) legal certainty. – При их толковании и применении следует обратить внимание на необходимость обеспечить: (a) единообразие в применении; (b) добросовестность и честную деловую практику; и (c) правовую определенность. 'More); ensure; secure; cause to be made (The Publishers shall cause the translation of the Work to be made faithfully and accurately from the current edition. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. control; effect; equip; establish a control base; fit (with); give; offer; permit; safeguard; supply; take care of (someone – кого-либо); warrant; fix up with (кого-либо чём-либо); lay on; lay upon; lock in (с помощью срочной сделки определенный уровень цены); make arrangements; make certain of; make sure of; make sure that; provide with; afford
math. present; contribute
mech. allow (something)
media. make sure (of, that, of)
O&G, sakh. afford (these measures will afford a high level of protection ... Sakhalin Energy)
O&G, tengiz. ensure (access, safety of operations; доступ, безопасность работ)
patents. grant; answer for; vouch for
product. support with (Yeldar Azanbayev)
railw. provide
slang cinch (какое-либо дело, успех дела)
slang, amer. knock (успех)
sport. lock up (The Panthers, Patriots and Bengals could all lock up playoff spots in Week 13. VLZ_58); lock down (Although they won and locked down the top seed, the Capitals weren't happy with letting their 3-0 lead slip away. VLZ_58)
обеспечиться v
gen. ensure; guarantee; insure; provide (with); provide for; safeguard; stock up; supply (with); assure; protect; secure
Gruzovik provide oneself with (pf of обеспечиваться); provide oneself with (pf of обеспечиваться); assure intrans (pf of обеспечиваться)
Gruzovik, obs. protect oneself from (pf of обеспечиваться)
inf. provide oneself (with)
Makarov. be provided for
obs. protect oneself (from)
обеспеченный prtc.
slang well-fixed; wellfixed
tech. provided with
обеспечить чтобы v
law, contr. ensure that (Ying)
обеспечьте v
gen. make sure that
обеспечивший prtc.
gen. yielded (suburbian)
обеспечить получение выгоды
: 1 phrase in 1 subject