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gen. bankrupt; failed; up the spout; clean broke; dead broke; up the flue
amer. flat-broke
Makarov. bust
| банк
gen. bank

verb | adjective | verb | to phrases
обанкротиться vstresses
gen. bust; bankrupt; turn bankrupt; go into liquidation; cease payments; become out of business; liquidate; smash; be out of business; go bung; fail; break one's back; go to the wall; make a bad break; not to have a feather to fly with; be bankrupt; cease; go to pieces; go scat; break back; go upon the rocks; go for a Burton (Anglophile); bust up; go into bankruptcy; fold up; come smash; go to pot; be wrecked; go all to pieces; go all to rack and ruin; go all to smash; go to rack and ruin; collapse; go to smash; become bankrupt; go bankrupt; stop payment; be bankrupt; be out of business; go; go belly-up (to go bankrupt Taras); come to pieces
Gruzovik be played out (pf of банкротиться, обанкрочиваться); get broke (pf of банкротиться, обанкрочиваться); collapse (pf of банкротиться, обанкрочиваться)
agric. fail (о фирме и т.п.)
amer. go to glory; go up; take bath (MichaelBurov)
austral., slang flop
bank. crash; go to the wall
busin. go bust
construct. go belly up (Rapoport)
econ. run upon the robotizes; run upon the rocks; fall through; be out of entrepot; break; go out of business; have collapsed (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk); descend into bankruptcy (nytimes.com Alex_Odeychuk)
fig. be discredited
fin. cease payment; go under
Gruzovik, fig. be discredited (pf of обанкрочиваться)
idiom. call in the receivers (Dimitriy_R); go belly up (SergMesch); go south (But what about employee shareholders in venture-backed startups that go south? 4uzhoj)
inf. smash up; be busted (to become bankrupt, financially ruined; син.: go bust, go broke: Who knew that the brokerage firm would be busted? Taras)
invest. become a bankrupt
law become insolvent (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. go all to pieces; go all to rack and ruin; go (went; gone); go broke; go smash; have shut up shopwindows; swallow a spider; be out of business (о предприятии или предпринимателе); become out of business (о предприятии или предпринимателе); go into liquidation (о предприятии, фирме)
Makarov., austral. go up King Street
slang melted out; whack out; take a bath; tap out; wash out
обанкротившийся adj.
gen. bankrupt; failed; up the spout; clean broke; dead broke; up the flue; defunct (о юридическом лице Ремедиос_П); bankrupted (Ремедиос_П)
amer. flat-broke
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. bankrupt
Makarov. bust
slang rhino; thin; wasted
обанкротить v
gen. make bankrupt; bankrupt; blow one up; break; drive someone to bankruptcy (disk_d)
fig. break the back
 Russian thesaurus
обанкротиться v
obs. обанкротиться
обанкротившийся банк
: 57 phrases in 13 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development10
International Monetary Fund2
Stock Exchange1