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нулевой километрstresses
gen. milepost zero (4uzhoj); kilometre zero (or km 0 (wiki) Alexander Demidov)
cartogr. km 0 (Самурай); Kilometre Zero (Самурай)
trav. zero kilometre marker (e.g. Kilometer Zero. The zero kilometer marker is a common feature of Russian cities, It is usually located in front of or near the main post office 'More); zero kilometer marker (e.g. Kilometer Zero. The zero kilometer marker is a common feature of Russian cities, It is usually located in front of or near the main post office 'More); kilometre zero (e.g. Kilometer Zero. The zero kilometer marker is a common feature of Russian cities, It is usually located in front of or near the main post office 'More); kilometer zero (e.g. Kilometer Zero. The zero kilometer marker is a common feature of Russian cities, It is usually located in front of or near the main post office 'More)
нулевой километр
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