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obs. coerce
obs. dial. force

verb | verb | to phrases
нудить vstresses
gen. nag (ворчать: Stop nagging! Рина Грант); harp on (долго распространяться на какую-то тему: She concentrated on the good parts of her trip instead of harping on about the bad vogeler)
Gruzovik, obs. coerce; compel; force; exhaust; wear out; weary
inf. badger (докучать)
Makarov., obs. compel (принуждать)
obs., dial. force; compel; exhaust; wear out; weary
slang bind; futy; kvetch; open one's yap; pitch a bitch; quetch; yap; rag on (to complain, bitch or whine КГА); bitch out (bitch somebody out – нудить кому-либо GeorgeK); nerd out (vogeler); geek out (vogeler)
нудиться v
gen. be bored with something (чем-либо); be bored with something (чем-либо)
Gruzovik, obs. exert all one's strength; strain oneself to; be bored stiff
obs., dial. exert all strength; strain oneself (to); be bored (stiff)
нудила v
nonstand. wet blanket (MichaelBurov)
нудило v
inf. enforcer (Vadim Rouminsky)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject