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gen. standardize; normalize; control
busin. valuate; introduce standards
cables normalize; regulate; set the rate
phys. norm
| значение
 значение pH
nat.res. pH

verb | verb | to phrases
нормировать vstresses
gen. standardize; normalize; control (потребление); ration (продукты, промтовары); set
busin. valuate; introduce standards
cables normalize (регулировать); regulate; set the rate (устанавливать норму)
econ. establish standards; fix norms; set norms; ration (в целях экономии)
GOST. specify (igisheva)
Makarov. value
phys. norm
tech. limit (Phyloneer); introduce apply etc. a limitation (Phyloneer); rate
нормироваться v
gen. be on allocation (о дефицитных товарах, сырье и т. п.); normalize; ration; standardize; be standardized (Alexander Demidov); be capped (it is allowed but only within the stated limit (i.e. the loss is capped at the total stated value of the vehicle, including both towing expenses and vehicle damage). Alexander Demidov); be statutorily capped (Because IHP benefits are statutorily capped, the program may not cover all losses to damaged property or restore such property to its condition before the ... Alexander Demidov); be on allocation (о дефицитных товарах, сырье)
dipl. be on allocation (о дефицитных товарах, сырье)
econ. be on allocation (о дефицитных товарах, сырьё)
tech. there be a limitation (Об ограничении показателя (это м.б. как верхний, так и нижний предел) [эти показатели нормируются – there is a limitation on these parameters / these parameters are subject to limitation] Phyloneer); be normative (Phyloneer)
нормировать: 20 phrases in 7 subjects
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