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gen. in school new boy; duck; green; lamer; abecedary
abbr. newb
amer. just off the boat; newer
cycl. turkey; weenie
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gen. apace
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Makarov. adjust to school

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новичок nstresses
gen. in school new boy; duck; green; lamer (Merc); abecedary; a new entry; first-timer (a person who does something for the first time • conference first-timers. COED Alexander Demidov); fledgling; fledgeling; only-just-begun (Ремедиос_П); greenhorn; jackaroo (на овцеводческой ферме); a green hand; mug (в игре); a green band; fresh one (особ. в тюрьме); stranger; novice; newcomer; cub; apprentice; beginner; colt; tenderfoot; recruit; catechumen; neophyte; freshwater sailor; babe; busher; jaboney; abecedarian; freshman; gremlin; scut; fresh hand; fresh man; a raw hand; sailor boy; undergraduate (VLZ_58); raw recruit; new user; sucka (от слова sucker pavelforever); new kid on the block (Ремедиос_П); initiate; puny; a young beginner; new boy (in school); new girl (in school); come lately; johnny come lately
Gruzovik in school new girl; in school new boy
Игорь Миг new entrant
abbr. newb (acrogamnon)
adv. entrant
amer. just off the boat (Anglophile); newer (Бонч-бруэвич); newby (Alcha); boot; rooky; wet behind the ears (Val_Ships); up-and-comer (Taras)
amer., inf. shorthorn
amer., univer. fresher
austral. new chum (в каком-либо деле)
austral., obs., derog. Johnny-come-lately
austral., slang jackeroo (на овцеводческой ферме)
auto., jarg. yellow bumper (в гонках NASCAR)
busin. recruitee (в сетевых компаниях, например BabaikaFromPechka)
chess.term. raw recruit (в команде)
comp. novice
cycl. turkey (также turkey); weenie (также turkey)
dial. greenfinch (Technical)
ed. initial learner (Alex_Odeychuk)
el. newbie (напр. в сети)
fig. new entry (Avenarius); student (The man who delivered the report is not a student in politics. dnatry); prentice; prenticeship; a sailor boy
fishery greenhorn (в команде рыболовного судна Val_Ships)
food.ind. opener
fr. blanc-bec (wiktionary.org VLZ_58)
Gruzovik, mil. new recruit
hindi griffon
humor. fresh-water jack (на море); Johnny-Raw (на море); junior (I am a junior compared to many here who ... Я новичок по сравнению с другими присутствующими, кто... OLGA P.)
inet. nooblet (Artjaazz)
inf. greener; raw soldier; launchy (Prastabah); babe in the woods (в чём-либо Taras); n00b (= Newbie; also: noob Almighty); new guy (MichaelBurov)
IT newbie
judo. beginner in judo
lat. tiro; tyro
Makarov. plant
media. novice (user)
mil. jeep; rookie; sprog (в ВВС); eager beaver
mil., lingo Funny New Guy (Yeldar Azanbayev); Flipping New Guy (Yeldar Azanbayev); Fuckin New Guy (Yeldar Azanbayev); Fucking New Guy (Yeldar Azanbayev); cherry (Yeldar Azanbayev); funny new guy (FNG MichaelBurov); Johnny-come-lately (шутл. MichaelBurov); eager beaver (MichaelBurov)
mil., WMD Novichok (a series of nerve agents the Soviet Union and Russia developed between 1971 and 1993. Prastabah)
nautic. fresh hand (на море); green horn; newcomer (на море)
rollers. bunny
slang whippersnapper (Interex); nuber (презр. ivar); green pea (Yuriy83); Johnnie Raw; new kid (on the block Liv Bliss); first-of-May; fish; flunkey; come-along; cheechako; Johnny Raw; captain of the head; dog; flankie; foo-foo; frosh; greenie; gremmie; hay rube; hay-shaker; hayseed; hayseeder; Johnny le -come-lately; new; new chum; new chumey; new chumie; new chumy; new jice (особенно новый заключённый); newt; pilgrim; rawheel; rook; spring chicken; johny come lately; noob (slang another word for newbie. Also written: n00b hothouse); colt (особ. в игре в крикет); newbie (sissoko); Rube; Johnny-come-lately ("Everyone over here did not expected East Coast Tigers, these Johnnies-come-lately, would beat the last year division winner!" == "Никто здесь не ожидал, что 'Тигры Восточного Побережья', эти новички, победят прошлогодних призёров нашего дивизиона!" - радостно кричит комментатор.)
softw. junior (Moonranger)
transp. green hand
transp., inf. untrained driver
trav. taster (применительно к спорту или видам занятий Sergey Old Soldier)
uncom. youngling; noviciate; novitiate
vulg. green ass
winemak., amer., inf. newcomer (тип потребителя алкогольных напитков)
новички n
gen. babes and sucklings; babies and suckliness (gabriellajd)
fig. awkward squad
 Russian thesaurus
новичок n
gen. студент-первокурсник факультета, колледжа или университета.
новички: 169 phrases in 44 subjects
Alcohol distilling1
American usage, not spelling2
Armored vehicles1
Aviation medicine1
British usage, not spelling1
Criminal jargon1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Ice hockey1
Information technology3
Mass media2
Military lingo1
New Zealand1
Nuclear and fusion power1
Obsolete / dated1
Oil and gas1
Stock Exchange1
Trade unions1