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нибелунг nstresses
felin. nebby cat (The Nebelung is a pedigree breed of domestic cat. Nebelungs have long bodies, wide-set green eyes, long and dense fur, and mild dispositions.[1] The cat is related to the Russian Blue, but with longer, silkier hair, and is in fact sometimes called the Long-haired Russian Blue. wikipedia.org 'More); Nebelung (The Nebelung is a pedigree breed of domestic cat. Nebelungs have long bodies, wide-set green eyes, long and dense fur, and mild dispositions.[1] The cat is related to the Russian Blue, but with longer, silkier hair, and is in fact sometimes called the Long-haired Russian Blue. wikipedia.org 'More); neb ((тж. nebby cat, от Nebelung cat) What is a Nebby cat? – Nebelung Cats are an affectionate breed who love to spend time next to their owners. Nebelung cats are a relatively new purebred line. Their name is associated with the German word "nebel" which means mist or fog. The cats have long blue and silver coats that give them a misty appearance.: Six weeks later, the DNA results for my neb are back, and he’s 6% Khao Manee??? Then 94% “Domestic Cat” which basically means “hell if we know” • How do you determine if your cat is a neb? – Spends more time upside down than right side up? Neb for sure. ))) 'More); nebby (порода кошек (тж. nebby cat, от Nebelung cat) What is a Nebby cat? – Nebelung Cats are an affectionate breed who love to spend time next to their owners. Nebelung cats are a relatively new purebred line. Their name is associated with the German word "nebel" which means mist or fog. The cats have long blue and silver coats that give them a misty appearance.: I don’t think anyone on this sub has a legit purebred nebby, but that doesn’t matter at all! All of our kitties share very similar looks and personalities: they act more like dogs than cats, can be extremely majestic and beautiful and also the biggest derps doing ridiculous things. They’ve got the floofy tails, chest poof, pantaloons and tummies. 'More)
Нибелунг n
names Nibelung (в германо-скандинавской мифологии король страны нибелунгов — хранителей клада, к-рый нёс гибель каждому, кто им владел); Niblung (в германо-скандинавской мифологии король страны нибелунгов — хранителей клада, к-рый нёс гибель каждому, кто им владел); Niebelung (в германо-скандинавской мифологии король страны нибелунгов — хранителей клада, к-рый нёс гибель каждому, кто им владел)
нибелунги n
gen. Nibelungs (в герм.-сканд. миф. и эпосе короли страны нибелунгов; обладатели клада, которым затем овладел Зигфрид (сканд.-Сигурд)); Nibelung (в герм.-сканд. миф. и эпосе короли страны нибелунгов; обладатели клада, которым затем овладел Зигфрид (сканд.-Сигурд))
 Russian thesaurus
нибелунги n
gen. обладатели чудесного золотого клада, история борьбы за который составляет популярный сюжет германского эпоса Эдды Старшей, "Песни о Нибелунгах". Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
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