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не успеть.., как ...stresses
gen. no sooner than (No sooner had British troops landed than the British government announced they be leaving – Не успели британские войска высадиться, как британское правительство объявило об их уходе Баян)
не успел ..., как
gen. even as (linton)
cliche. hardly had ... than (Hardly had the Count departed London than the owner of the hotel received a call from his banker that the Count's cheque had bounced. – Не успел граф отбыть из Лондона, как ... ART Vancouver); had hardly (+ past participle + before: He had hardly been in the house five minutes before the police arrived. – Не успел он пробыть в доме и пяти минут, как приехала полиция. • "The hall door had hardly slammed behind our visitor before Holmes had descended the stair." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
не успеть .., как
: 58 phrases in 6 subjects
Cliche / convention3