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не успел ..., какstresses
gen. even as (linton)
cliche. hardly had ... than (Hardly had the Count departed London than the owner of the hotel received a call from his banker that the Count's cheque had bounced. – Не успел граф отбыть из Лондона, как ... ART Vancouver); had hardly (+ past participle + before: He had hardly been in the house five minutes before the police arrived. – Не успел он пробыть в доме и пяти минут, как приехала полиция. • "The hall door had hardly slammed behind our visitor before Holmes had descended the stair." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
не успеть.., как ...
gen. no sooner than (No sooner had British troops landed than the British government announced they be leaving – Не успели британские войска высадиться, как британское правительство объявило об их уходе Баян)
не успел ..., как
: 58 phrases in 6 subjects
Cliche / convention3