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не справляющийсяstresses
gen. overwhelmed (с нагрузкой, с навалившимися делами или стрессом: In the first half, they discussed disaster preparedness and how to treat common injuries that might occur in a calamity when the medical infrastructure is overwhelmed. Everyone should know first-aid, but also how to handle such things as trauma, bleeding, and infections, Joseph said. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
busin. falling down
logist. mishandling
не справляться
gen. be overwhelmed (by – с q3mi4); come up short (Lu4ik); fail (yuliya zadorozhny); fail to do (Stas-Soleil)
cliche. not keep up (с нагрузкой: The city is growing rapidly but the infrastructure is not keeping up. ART Vancouver); get overwhelmed (with:: The BC SPCA has taken custody of 45 dogs it says were very neglected and in extremely poor condition at a home just outside Victoria. It turns out the owner has gotten overwhelmed with the number of dogs in her care and absolutely did not even come close to meeting their needs. ART Vancouver); be no match for (On East Hastings Street, buses were no match for the snow. -- автобусы не справлялись со снегом youtube.com ART Vancouver)
idiom. nicht aus dem Quark kommen (Honigwabe); not to cut it (Yeldar Azanbayev); stretch oneself too thin (VLZ_58)
Makarov. be beyond one's depth
slang not manage (Damirules); not handle (Damirules); poop (с потоком впечатлений, информации)
не справляющийся
: 28 phrases in 7 subjects