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 не расстраивайся
gen. take it easy!; don't take it so hard
slang don't flip your wig
 не расстраивайся!
gen. Cheer up!
 не расстраивайтесь
gen. don't feel bad; don't put yourself about
| по пустякам
 по пустякам
gen. for nothing; about nothing; over nothing; about the little stuff

to phrases
не расстраивайсяstresses
gen. take it easy! (Александр_10); don't take it so hard (NumiTorum)
slang don't flip your wig (сленг 60х гг. collegia)
не расстраивайтесь
gen. don't feel bad (Don't feel bad, these things happen all the time.); don't put yourself about
не расстраивать
gen. keep happy (suburbian)
не расстраивайся!
gen. Cheer up! (ART Vancouver)
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: 17 phrases in 4 subjects