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не по кармануstresses
gen. beyond means (Even discounted, the price is beyond the means of many. • The cost of providing effective treatment to people affected by autism is expensive and often beyond the means of an average income family. Anglophile); beyond someone's purse; unaffordable (transland); cannot afford it (это ему не по карману – it is more than he can afford; это ему не по карману – he cannot afford it Franka_LV); can't afford (We can’t afford food and housing, what makes you think we can afford Black Friday “deals”? In case you haven't noticed, we are all broke, working, and the deals are garbage. (Twitter) • I have two Engineering Master friends in Vancouver who are moving elsewhere because they can't afford the high costs! (Unless they pitch a tent!) financialpost.com ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг prohibitively costly
amer. too rich for someone's blood (Anglophile); out of one's league (An expensive car is out of your league right now, don't you think? Val_Ships)
idiom. out of sb.'s price reach (BC is now phasing out new gas vehicles 5 years early. EVs are out of most Canadians' price reach. Trudeau's mega f*** up of all time. Everyone will be forced to buy old cars, which puts out more emissions. I understand our situation, but don't destroy Canada just to look good. (Twitter) ART Vancouver); out of reach (The housing market is now out of reach for most of my buddies at work. Many make 6 figure incomes, yet cannot afford the cost of a home. (пример ART Vancouver) 4uzhoj)
inf. be way above one's budget (You shouldn't be looking at places that are way above your budget, Tyler. ART Vancouver)
real.est. priced out of the market (о стоимости жилья: When you're complaining about your developments on your freehold property, please remember the generation behind you that's been completely priced out of the market altogether. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
unions. prohibitively expensive (Кунделев)
не по карману
: 25 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling1