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не парься
 не "париться"
inf. not lose any sleep
 не париться
gen. relax; ignore
slang let hair down; chillax
 не парься
inf. don't fret; no biggie
 не парься!
inf. don't sweat it
slang don't steam your beam!
 не парясь
gen. without breaking a sweat
| по пустякам
 по пустякам
gen. for nothing

to phrases
не парьсяstresses
inf. don't fret (hizman); no biggie (VLZ_58); leave it alone (Alex_Odeychuk); stay cool (mangoo); never mind! (Rust71); forget it and move on (VLZ_58); don't sweat it, forget it (VLZ_58)
slang take it easy! (Александр_10)
не париться
gen. relax (сленг MichaelBurov); ignore (ignore it Capital)
slang let one's hair down (To cease acting formally or conservatively; to ignore or relinquish one's inhibitions or reservations. Also worded as "let down (one's) hair." Come on, Jim, this is a party! Let your hair down and go a little wild! thefreedictionary.com SirReal); chillax (с) lingvo forum 'More); shine it on (vogeler)
не парься!
inf. don't sweat it (на этот счет q3mi4)
slang don't steam your beam! (steam one's beam – напрягать, раздражать, злить Zolwiszek); don't knock yourself!
не парясь
gen. without breaking a sweat (достичь цели: She rattled off the answers without breaking a sweat. [=she gave the answers very easily] vogeler)
не парьтесь!
gen. no sweat! (alexs2011)
не парясь
inf. no sweat (The man can fix the chair no sweat. VLZ_58)
не "париться"
inf. not lose any sleep over something (из-за чего-либо denghu)
не парься: 12 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling1