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gen. stay out of one's way (If you want to finish the cabinets, you can come on Thursday or Friday. Andy is having dental surgery on Thursday so he will be home on Friday, but will stay out of your way. – не будет вам мешать работать ART Vancouver); keep out of the smb.'s way (кому́-л.); stand out of the way; take a backseat (Taras)
amer. be out of the way (katyacher196)
austral., slang be no object
idiom. get out of someone's hair (кому-либо Tumatutuma)
idiom., inf. get out of someone's hair (I'll get out of your hair. – Не буду мешать. 4uzhoj)
inf. leave someone be (кому-либо; refrain from disturbing or interfering with someone Val_Ships)
Makarov. get out of the way; keep out of something (кому-либо); let rip
не мешает
gen. it would be advisable (Anglophile); it would do no harm (Anglophile); it wouldn't be a bad thing (Anglophile)
inf. it's not disturbing me (m_rakova); it's not in the way (m_rakova); there's no problem for me (m_rakova); it's not bothering m (в вежливом ответе "он/ она/ оно мне не мешает", часто предваряется "I don't mind", "It's fine", "I'm okay with it" etc m_rakova); it's no bother (m_rakova); it's not bothering me (в вежливом ответе "он/ она/ оно мне не мешает", часто предваряется "I don't mind", "It's fine", "It's okay", "I'm fine", "I'm okay with it" etc. Или же, более стандартно, полный ответ: "It's fine. Don't worry about it." m_rakova)
не мешай!
gen. keep out of the way!; leave me alone! don't interfere!; don't interrupt!; leave me alone!
amer., rude go fly a kite!; go jump in the lake!; go lay a brick!; go lay an egg!; go sit on a tack
не мешайте
gen. get out of the light
avia. do not interfere (типовое сообщение по связи; радиосвязи)
не мешай
gen. get out of the light
slang mind your own beeswax (Interex)
не мешать
: 123 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Gas processing plants1
Humorous / Jocular1
Mass media1