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не менее важноstresses
gen. no less important (The education of the nation is no less important than its defence. anita_storm)
formal equally important ("For miners in the Golden Triangle, filling jobs remains their biggest challenge – and partnering with area First Nations, in formal and informal ways, is part of the solution. (...) But equally important is addressing how careers in mining are being positioned for the future, according to Joel McKay, CEO of Northern Development Initiative Trust." (BC Business Magazine) ART Vancouver)
не менее важный
gen. equally important (Alex Lilo); as important as (Alex Lilo); just as important (as: That just leaves me to bring to your attention today the issue of Welsh lake monsters. Certainly, there aren't many cases from Wales, but those we do know of can be viewed as being just as important as – for example – the world's most famous lake monster, Nessie. One of the most fear-inducing beasts was the Gwrach y Rhibyn, a water-based abomination. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver); no less important (Yanamahan)
не менее важно
: 23 phrases in 8 subjects
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