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gen. keep on the alert; harass; trouble (о боли и т.п.); bother (spy); nag (And then I remember why it's been nagging at me. – И вот я вспомнил, почему это так не даёт мне покоя. Min$draV); be uncomfortable about (перевод требует перестройки структуры предложения: At this time we have no evidence a crime has been committed. However, I am uncomfortable about Michael Harrison's business partner, Mark Warren, and his fiancée, Ashley Harper. Abysslooker); keep on the hop (кому-либо); on the hop (кому-либо); gnaw at (Albonda); not give much peace (in the progressive: Look who was hiding in my backyard yesterday – a Barred Owl! It was trying to hide in the oak tree. The crows weren't giving it much peace. -- Вороны не давали ей покоя / не оставляли её в покое. ART Vancouver); niggle (A thought niggled at him – Одна мысль не давала ему покоя honeysickle); bug (VLZ_58); bait
Игорь Миг tie in knots; tie up in knots; be all over
amer. give fits (The generator. It's been giving her fits Taras)
fig. keep coming back (Abysslooker); niggle (cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety: "a suspicion niggled at the back of her mind" (Oxford Dictionary): A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. While the military chalked this up to experience or lack thereof on Barlow’s part, it was an aspect of the case, like many others, that niggled at the minds of many UFO researchers. (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver); work overtime (о совести Anglophile); haunt (о мыслях и т.п. || example provided by ART Vancouver: The memory of his past failures haunted him. • A mystery that haunted a Long Island man for decades has been solved thanks to a psychic who helped him locate the remains of his missing father buried in the basement of his own home. Mike Carroll was a mere eight months old when his dad vanished under strange circumstances back in 1961.); haunt one's mind (That name haunted my mind, I knew that I had heard it somewhere. • "I am an omnivorous reader with a strangely retentive memory for trifles. That phrase 'the Lion's Mane' haunted my mind." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – не давала мне покоя ART Vancouver)
fig.of.sp. nag at (Suddenly, something that was nagging at Harry came tumbling out of his mouth. (J. K. Rowling) Sweeterbit)
idiom. breathe down neck (VLZ_58)
Makarov. dog
slang bug (что или кто-либо Баян)
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gen. give no peace; keep on the run; not let someone rest; keep on the trot
inf. be on someone's back (To be constantly nagging one about something: Ugh, my mom is on my back all the time about my grades, but I just have no interest in the classes I'm taking this semester. КГА)
Makarov. keep someone on the run
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gen. something makes one restless (lulic)
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: 58 phrases in 6 subjects
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