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не все домаstresses
gen. be off one's beam; off one's beam; not having all one's marbles (Anglophile); nutty; bit off; have bats in the belfry (mascot); have a slate loose; have apartments to let; be wrong in one's garret; dead from the neck up (Anglophile); bats in the belfry (Svetlana D); lose marbles; have water on the brain (bigmaxus); a few peas short of a casserole (maryann4ik); have rats in the attic; not all there (Ремедиос_П); doesn't have all his marbles (After he started bringing conspiracy theories into the conversation, I started wondering if maybe he didn't have all his marbles vogeler)
Игорь Миг whack job; one sandwich short of a picnic; one brick shy of a full load
amer. nobody home; crazy as a bed-bug (Taras); off one's rocker slang (у кого-либо; Sometimes, Bob, I think you're off your rocker. Val_Ships); a few fries short of a happy meal (Баян)
fig.of.sp. be out to lunch (у кого-л) требует изменения конструкции: Don't listen to a word he says, he's out to lunch. • You're out to lunch if you think that plan will work. 4uzhoj)
idiom. off the rocket (yuliyagrinenko); nuttier than a fruitcake (Andrey Truhachev); toys in the attic (sinistra); be off one's rocker (Andrey Truhachev); be off your rocker (Andrey Truhachev); want two pence in the shilling; the light is on, but there's nobody at home
inf. gaga; loony (We passed a policeman on our way out of the coffee shop but we both agreed not to mention it to anyone, we both have good jobs and families and don’t want to be looked at as loonies. Anyway, I'll never forget that day and I know I’ll never go into the woods again. -- мы не хотим, чтобы нас считали за ненормальных / говорили, что у нас не все дома • the enigmatic, charismatic – and frankly often loony – ex-Beatle John Lennon bfro.net, dailymail.co.uk ART Vancouver); coo coo for cocoa puffs (chronik); be not all there (He looks like he's not all there.- Он выглядит так, как будто у него не все дома. Drozdova); screw loose (Yeldar Azanbayev); a bit off (Bobrovska); have lost a button (Bobrovska); not to get one's button on (Bobrovska); not to have one's button on (Bobrovska); have a screw loose (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. a bee in one's bonnet; a bee in one's head; bee in one's bonnet; bee in one's head; have a slate off
nonstand. crackers; off the rails (igisheva)
proverb have rats in the attic (дословно: Иметь крыс на чердаке); have a cylinder missing; have a screw loose
slang not all there; Punchy; rocker off one's; there's nobody home; un-together; untogether; sandwich short of a picnic (Squirell); one stop short of East Ham (Anglophile); two wafers short of a communion (Anglophile); one brick short of a load (Anglophile); a few snags short of a barbie (Anglophile); a few bob short of the pound (Anglophile); a couple of chips short of an order (Anglophile); have got apartments to let (Bobrovska); there is nobody at home; off one's rocker
slang, amer. there is nobody home
не всё дома
inf. be bats; be batty in the brain; be crazy
slang off one's rocker
у него не всё дома
inf. be not right in the head
не все дома
: 62 phrases in 5 subjects