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непотревоженный adj.stresses
gen. undisturbed; untroubled; unrumbled (MightyMousy); unphased (by something sunman); unscared
archaeol. in situ (ART Vancouver); intact (The Tennessee Division of Archaeology is working with students from Middle Tennessee State University and the Native History Association to preserve two 1,800-year-old burial mounds. The small-scale excavations could show that the two man-made hills, known as the Glass Mounds, are intact and therefore eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. • Overlapping stones form a conical dome, topped by a single capstone. This ceiling has been intact more than 5,000 years and still keeps the inner chambers dry. • «Нам удалось исследовать археологически непотревоженный комплекс, что для скифских курганов — большая редкость: большинство подкурганных склепов скифской эпохи грабили и в древности, и в Новое время», — рассказала научный сотрудник отдела скифо-сарматской археологии Института археологии РАН, руководитель раскопок Ирина Рукавишникова. archaeology.org, newgrange.com ART Vancouver)
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