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неподражаемый adj.stresses
gen. inimitable; in a class by itself; inimitative; one of a kind (You are one of a kind! = Вы неподражаемы! denghu); class act (Borita); only; signature (his signature style ART Vancouver); admirable (A.Rezvov); breathtaking (breathtaking natural beauty sankozh)
Игорь Миг one-of-a-kind; unrivaled; transcendent
obs. immatchable
pomp. the one and only (igisheva)
vulg. out on its own – like a country shit-house; rat-fuck
неподражаемо adv.
gen. inimitably
inf. like no one's business (4uzhoj); like no one's business (My father had a whole lot of style. He could smoke a cigarette like no one's fucking business. – Когда он курил сигарету, это смотрелось чертовски круто. 4uzhoj)
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects