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неорганизованные выбросыstresses
environ. fugitive source emissions
O&G fugitive emissions (Fugitive emissions can be defined as releases not confined to a stack, duct or vent. These emissions generally include equipment leaks, emissions from the bulk handling or processing of raw materials, windblown dust and a number of other specific industrial processes. 2Xist)
oil fugitive sources
неорганизованный выброс
ecol. emission from non-defined place; fugitive emission; fugitive loss (MichaelBurov); emission from non-defined place (вещества)
environ. emission from non defined place
oil.proc. single emission (Briciola25)
неорганизованный выброс NOx
oil.proc. fugitive nitrous oxide (MichaelBurov); fugitive nitrous oxide emission (MichaelBurov); fugitive NOx (MichaelBurov); fugitive NOx emission (MichaelBurov)
неорганизованные выбросы
: 21 phrases in 5 subjects
Energy industry1
Oil processing plants9