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math. it is undesirable from the corrosion standpoint
gen. uncontrolled; as welcome as snow in harvest; one too many; welcome as snow in harvest; untoward
comp. unsolicited
formal unadvisable
progr. troublesome
slang drippy
| волнообразное движение
 волнообразное движение
gen. undulation
| киноплёнки
gen. film
| в камере
 вся камера
media. camera body
| или
tech. ditto
| проекторе
tech. projecting camera
| из -за
gen. from behind
| неправильной
gen. incorrect
| заправки
IT leading-in
- only individual words found

to phrases
нежелательный adj.stresses
gen. uncontrolled (О. Шишкова; пожалуйста, поясните SirReal); as welcome as snow in harvest (Anglophile); one too many; welcome as snow in harvest; untoward (Telecaster); undesired; unwished; undesirable; ineligible (о женихе или невесте); unfavorable (Moscowtran); negative (напр., при сравнении с желательной альтернативой A.Rezvov); disadvantageous (Svetozar); unwelcomed (MichaelBurov); unwished for; counterproductive (A.Rezvov); objectionable; unacceptable; unwelcome
Игорь Миг ill-advised
adv. unwarranted
book. non grata
busin. unnecessary (unnecessary exposure SirReal)
comp. unsolicited (Alex_Odeychuk)
energ.ind. adverse (напр., эффект)
engl. dispreferred (Allan and Burridge (1991) defined euphemism as "alternatives to dispreferred expressions, and are used in order to avoid possible loss of face Kirill2)
formal unadvisable (igisheva)
inf., humor. one too many (обычно об алкоголе)
media. unwanted (напр., о сигнале, станции)
O&G nuisance
oil unwanted
polym. adverse (о воздействии)
progr. troublesome (ssn)
slang drippy (Interex); janky (Fifis); hunger; for the birds; from hunger
tech. inadvertent (Мирослав9999); unintended (Мирослав9999)
uncom. unadvisory (igisheva)
vulg. like a spare prick at a wedding
нежелательно adv.
Игорь Миг is ill-advised
math. it is undesirable from the corrosion standpoint
product. it is undesirable (Yeldar Azanbayev); it is not advisable (Yeldar Azanbayev); it is not desirable (Yeldar Azanbayev); it is unwelcome (Yeldar Azanbayev); not appropriate (Yeldar Azanbayev)
что-либо нежелательное adj.
Makarov. weed
slang hole in the head
нежелателен adj.
Игорь Миг is ill-advised
нежелательное волнообразное движение киноплёнки в камере или проекторе из -за неправильной заправки
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Mass media1