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недоумок nstresses
gen. underwit (Anglophile); half-wit (Anglophile); dipstick (named after the dipstick used for measuring the oil level in an engine Andrew Goff); dolt (Arleyn); halfwit (Lana Falcon); softy; dushbag (Senior Strateg); fool (I. Havkin)
Игорь Миг retarded
amer. no-account (Anglophile); dipshit (Anglophile); patsy; patsy (a foolish person who is easily tricked or cheated); knuckle-dragger (Taras)
brit. muppet (slitely_mad); womble (Taras); lackwit (Taras)
disappr. underdog
Gruzovik, inf. loony; silly person
inf. twit (Anglophile); softy person; bonehead (Anglophile); mental midget (Anglophile); ass maggot (Taras); puttyhead (Ollie North's wife is a complete and total putty head. kuziavka); space cadet (VLZ_58); softie; a nutcase (as in"oh boy, he's a real nutcase" Val_Ships); screwhead (Holswarth); moron (Val_Ships); retard (Andrey Truhachev); shrub (Taras); goofball (Make sure your public socials match the image you are trying to portray. If you tell a story about being a quiet and respectful working professional, I don't recommend a FB Profile or Insta showing you as a goofball with questionable lifestyle choices. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
invect. nitwit (igisheva); want-wit (igisheva); circus freak (Taras); dimwit (igisheva); shithead (VLZ_58)
irish gobdaw (Taras)
rude dumbass (Alex Krayevsky)
scottish dafty (КГА); daftie (КГА)
slang yap; fruit loop (Anglophile); wassock (A silly and inept person; someone who is regarded as stupid КГА); head case (Anglophile); mook (krasnet); prize plum (suburbian); fooligan (Taras)
vulg. twat (Alex Krayevsky)
Игорь Миг, inf. fuckhead
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects