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невозмутимый adj.stresses
gen. imperturbable; cool; impassive; passionless; unflappable; cold-livered; cool-headed; equanimous; indisturbable; self-composed; sobersided; unexcitable; unperturbed; unshockable; unstirred; calm (о человеке); unruffled; as cool as a cucumber; cool as a cucumber; unabashed (Anglophile); self-collected (Anglophile); stolid (Mermaiden); abashless (lexicographer); phlegmatic (Mermaiden); buttoned down; cold livered; cool headed; self composed; cold-blooded; dead-pan; unconcerned; centered (M. Webster: emotionally stable and secure wisegirl); dispassionate; unsnubabble (не реагирующий на оскорбления finita); un (Albonda); laid-back (Marina_Onishchenko); composed; immovable; even-tempered; button-down; button down; even tempered; coolheaded (VLZ_58); inscrutable (grigoriy_m); deadpan (Lily Snape); undeterred (VLZ_58); ice-cool (Larapan); unmoved (Fructo); detached (VLZ_58); impervious (Ремедиос_П); nonchalant (Vince Cable and Ed Balls eyed each other suspiciously, wondering what on earth the other was doing there. George acted nonchalant, trying to keep up the pretence that it was a complete coincidence they had both turned up at the same time.); unfazed (Петя невозмутим: ведь ребята слишком молоды, не ведают что творят – Petya is unfazed: after all, the guys are young and they know not what they do themoscowtimes.com Mammo Natale); not a care in the world (Look at her, not a care in the world! vogeler); inexcitable; perfect (of calm, quiet, etc.); undisturbed
Gruzovik bland (nonchalant)
avia., med. sedate
context. unamazed (Abysslooker)
idiom. as cool as cucumber (shergilov)
inf. hard-nosed (Сергій Саржевський); tough as nails (chronik); unfuckwithable (When you are truly at peace and in touch with yourself, and nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity or drama can touch you Aiduza); no-fucks-given (fluggegecheimen)
Makarov. serene; slow to wrath
math. patient
nonstand., amer. nonplussed (And while many of us might be a little taken aback if Mom showed up at our offices, Secrist is utterly nonplussed, even happy about it. Namecollector)
obs. sackless
slang button-down
невозмутимо adv.
gen. serenely; in a detached way; imperturbably (Азери); poker-faced (в некотор³х контекстах Yanukovych remained poker-faced while pleading his case. He was under irresistible pressure from Vladimir Putin, with whom he held secret talks a fortnight ago, to forego the EU pact. 4uzhoj); calmly; stolidly (TarasZ); coolly; flatly (Abysslooker); nonchalantly (Marina_Onishchenko); tranquilly; levelly (Ant493); immovably (Aly19); matter-of-factly (DoctorKto)
inf. cool
: 64 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech1
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