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насущный вопросstresses
gen. pressing problem; pressing issue; pressing matter; pressing question; topical matter; topical problem; topical question; urgent matter; urgent problem; vital question; genuine concern (grafleonov); topical issue; business at hand (Рина Грант); crucial question (Abysslooker)
dipl. breach issue; urgent issue; urgent question
idiom. kitchen table issue ("Ironically, this is not a kitchen table issue," or an everyday matter that influences how people vote, said Ken Cook, the chairman of the group Food Policy Action. sfgate.com Virgelle)
mil. issue at hand; vital issue
polit. pressing topic (MichaelBurov); pressing theme (MichaelBurov)
pomp. live issue (igisheva)
progr. most demanding problem (ssn)
rhetor. critical question (Alex_Odeychuk); hot-button question (Alex_Odeychuk)
насущные вопросы
gen. meat-and-potato issues (Meat-and-potato issues important to voters should be the focus of any campaign. – NYT 4uzhoj); issues of the day (ART Vancouver)
busin. critical questions (elena.kazan)
насущных вопросов: 2 phrases in 2 subjects