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насмотренный prtc.stresses
gen. having watched a lot (With reading came a good foundation for writing, and having watched a lot of African movies, I developed a passion for filmmaking MichaelBurov); having seen a lot (Having seen a lot of art, good and bad, I have realised the importance of fluency of technique in visual expression MichaelBurov); having looked a lot (It is the reason that someone having looked a lot at art can discern the paintings of Rubens from those of his pupils and recognize the paintings of Picasso regardless of their stylistic differences MichaelBurov); visually experienced (Participants completed an online questionnaire in which they had to rate how visually experienced they had become in watching ballet MichaelBurov)
насмотреться v
gen. see a lot of (with gen.); see enough of (with на + acc.); get an eyeful of (на что-либо); look one's fill (elvit); have looked enough (at); see a lot (of); see enough (of)
Gruzovik see a lot of; see enough of; have looked enough at
cliche. get an eyeful of (Chris and Emily told me they had spent two days in Vancouver and got an eyeful of crackheads, drug dealers and panhandlers hanging around their hotel, so they're not planning to come back any time soon. – достаточно насмотрелись на ART Vancouver)
inf. watch too many (Stop being paranoid, you've watched too many movies. 4uzhoj); see too many (I think you've seen too many spy movies. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. have looked enough (at; на); see a lot of (увидеть много чего); see as much as one wanted (at; рассмотреть внимательно); see enough (of; вдоволь посмотреть на)
насмотреть v
Gruzovik, inf. have an eye on (pf of насматривать); get hold of (pf of насматривать)
inf. choose; dig up; select; unearth
насмотревшись v
gen. having looked a lot (It is the reason that someone having looked a lot at art can discern the paintings of Rubens from those of his pupils and recognize the paintings of Picasso regardless of their stylistic differences MichaelBurov); having watched a lot (With reading came a good foundation for writing, and having watched a lot of African movies, I developed a passion for filmmaking MichaelBurov); having seen a lot (Having seen a lot of art, good and bad, I have realised the importance of fluency of technique in visual expression MichaelBurov)
насмотрелся v
cliche. has seen more than enough of (No thanks. I've seen more than enough of these guys. They make me sick. -- Нет уж, спасибо. Я на этих типов насмотрелся, мне от них уже тошнит. ART Vancouver)
: 8 phrases in 2 subjects