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gen. mock; jeer; sneer; fleer; flout; gird
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amer. slang do a number on

to phrases
насмехаться vstresses
gen. mock (with над); jeer; sneer; fleer; flout; gird; jest; quiz (над чем-либо); razz; scoff; twit; quip; bait; deride; guy; jibe; roast; sneer at; tromp (над кем-либо); quirk; ridicule (q3mi4); make fun of (над кем-либо); have in derision; laugh at; hold in derision; take the Michael out of (someone); над кем-либо); take the Micky out of (someone); над кем-либо); laugh (at); jolly; lark (над кем-либо); bemock; taunt; scoff at (над кем-либо Andrey Truhachev); jeer at (kee46); wind up (VLZ_58); mock at (над к-либо Andrey Truhachev); crow (VLZ_58); play a practical joke (Taras); banter; cackle; cake; chaff; fig; fling; flirt; flurt; jape; kid; puff at; rally; ridicule; rub one up; skit; smoke; sport; bite one's thumb at; trifle with
Gruzovik laugh at; gibe at
amer. chirp (chirp someone – насмехаться над кем-либо Technical)
arch. scorn
austral. chiack (над кем-либо)
austral., slang burl
brit. take the piss (Mr_K)
disappr. make a mockery (of sb., sth. – над кем-либо, чем-либо: European shipping firms ‘making a mockery’ of Russia sanctions as oil cargoes double independent.co.uk ART Vancouver)
ed. mock (at)
fig. trail
idiom. take the mickey (Пример: People are taking the mickey. monarch976)
inf. make fun (of Damirules); roast (над кем-либо); gibe (над кем-либо key2russia); take the mickey out of (Andrey Truhachev); take the piss out of (someone Andrey Truhachev); take the mickey (out of someone Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. crow about; crow over; gibe at; jest at; make fun of; mock at; sling off (at); tromp on (над кем-либо); jibe at
Makarov., obs. gird at
obs. bob; scout; scouter; gleek; quib
slang give the needle; raspberry
vulg. quipp
насмехаясь v
gen. mockingly (Азери); gibingly
насмехающийся prtc.
gen. taunting
насмехаться: 83 phrases in 8 subjects
Figure of speech1