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verb | verb | to phrases
напугаться vstresses
gen. get a scare; have a fright; get a fright; become frightened; become scared
Gruzovik be frightened of (pf of пугаться); be scared of (pf of пугаться); take fright at (pf of пугаться)
Игорь Миг get skittish
amer. get spooked (Val_Ships)
amer., inf. scare
inf. be scared shitless (Andrey Truhachev)
vulg. cacking it
напугать v
gen. shake the ghost into (кого-либо); startle; send a chill down someone's back (т.е. букв. "вызывать мурашки по коже" Юрий Павленко); affright; put in fear; put smb. into a fright (кого́-л.); scare sb. off (кого-л.); scare; give a fright (кого-либо); make hair curl (кого-либо); make afraid (кого-либо); put into a fright (кого́-л.); consternate; give a start (кого-либо); intimidate; threaten (with); alarm; scarify; startle (внезапным появлением, звуком и т.п., (examples provided by ART Vancouver): The phone rang and it startled me. • Tell Grandma we have a contractor working on the kitchen cabinets tomorrow. Just so it does not startle her.); send chills down someone's back (т.е. букв. "вызывать мурашки по коже" Юрий Павленко); give somebody a fright (кого-либо)
Gruzovik intimidate (pf of пугать); frighten
amer. spook (Bear and man spook each other. 4uzhoj)
idiom. curl hair (z484z); make someone's hair curl (z484z)
inf. give someone a scare (Andrey Truhachev); give someone kittens (the thought of going there today gives me kittens Irboya)
Makarov. put the wind up (someone – кого-либо); shake the ghost into (someone – кого-либо); give someone a scare (кого-либо)
obs. doubt; dubitancy
poetic fright
slang put the wind up; buffalo
UK make someone jump (sorry for making you jump! terrarristka)
напугал! v
gen. yeah, you have me shaking in my boots! (APN)
: 104 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Contextual meaning1
Explanatory translation1
Figure of speech1
Obsolete / dated1