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gen. make drunk; imbue; muzz; liquor; give to eat; make drunk
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gen. to a surfeit

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gen. make drunk; imbue; muzz; liquor; give to eat (кого-либо); make drunk (кого-либо); drink drunk (подпоить, кого-либо); muzzle; ply (Albonda); water (an animal); nurse; ply someone with alcohol (кого-либо спиртным: He picked up an 18-year-old girl while she was hitchhiking and took her back to his home. After plying her with alcohol, the former garbage-dump employee choked her and threw her to the ground before handcuffing, dragging her into his bedroom and assaulting her. ART Vancouver); feed; make tipsy (допьяна); give someone smth. to drink; solder on
Gruzovik give to drink; water an animal (pf of напаивать); nurse (pf of напаивать); feed (pf of напаивать)
agric. water; supply with water
amer. lush up (Anglophile)
fig. fill; irrigate
Gruzovik, fig. fill; impregnate (pf of напаивать); irrigate (pf of напаивать)
inf. lubricate; prime; prime with (Taras)
Makarov. drink someone drunk (кого-либо); give someone to drink (кого-либо); liquor up
напоённый prtc.
gen. filled (with aroma); watered (of animals); drunk; drunken; irriguous
Gruzovik impregnated with aroma; filled with aroma
напо́енный prtc.
Gruzovik drunk; watered (of animals)
напоённый: 59 phrases in 7 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Obsolete / dated1