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verb | verb | to phrases
напираться vstresses
Gruzovik, inf. run against/into (impf of напереться); exert oneself (impf of напереться); strain oneself (impf of напереться); assemble in large numbers (impf of напереться); gather in large numbers (impf of напереться)
inf. assemble; exert oneself; gather (in large numbers); run (against, into); strain oneself
напирать v
gen. cinch (на кого-либо); crowd together (MichaelBurov); push (MichaelBurov); press in (SAKHstasia); push down on (thefreedictionary.com Abysslooker)
Игорь Миг force one's hand
dial. thrutch (Vadim Rouminsky)
fig. insist (обращать особое внимание на что-либо Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, inf. stress; press hard against (impf of напереть); emphasize; put pressure upon (impf of напереть); come down on (impf of напереть); assemble (impf of напереть); collect (impf of напереть); gather (impf of напереть)
inf. put pressure (upon); gather; assemble; collect; come down (on); press hard (against); emphasize; press forward; press against (with на + acc.); stress (with на + acc.)
Makarov. charge; crowd
mil., arm.veh. apply pressure
mil., tech. thrust
: 16 phrases in 3 subjects