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gen. strike; come for; hit off; make a dead set at; commit an assault upon; light into
Makarov. come upon; have a throw at; lay into
| и
gen. and
| нанести
gen. deliver
| физические увечия
 физическое увечье
busin. bodily injury
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напасть наstresses
gen. strike (мысль); come for; hit off (след, мысль); make a dead set at; commit an assault upon (кого-либо); light into (Ваня.В); come down hard on (Ваня.В); lash out at (кого-либо Dude67); go for (кого-либо); rough up (кого-либо; to attack someone physically:Who roughed this guy up in the parking lot? Bullfinch); come athwart one's back (кого-л.); come athwart one (кого-л.); spring on (кого-л.); spring upon (кого-л.); stand up against one (кого-л.)
inf. set (кого-либо)
Makarov. come upon; have a throw at something (что-либо); lay into (someone – кого-либо); make a dead-set at (someone – кого-либо); strike upon (мысль и т. п.); tumble on (что-либо); tumble upon (что-либо); turn one's arms against (someone – кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. set about (кого-либо); set on (кого-либо)
mil. engage (I. Havkin)
O&G, karach. bring the fight to (кого-либо; somebody; e.g. "Today we face the monsters that are at our door, and bring the fight to them!"; "I'm going to bring the fight to you!"; "I fear they will bring the fight to us." Aiduza)
police assault (Police responded to a disturbing incident involving a pregnant woman. The woman, a business owner, had asked the male suspect to "move from in front of her store." The suspect responded by throwing rocks at her abdomen. The woman is eight months pregnant. "The suspect was found nearby and arrested and taken to jail, where he assaulted a VPD sergeant by coughing on him," says police. • Look, she assaulted him. She spat on him. He defended himself. He was justified 100%. • Then he stood up near the rear door of the bus where he struck two women, aged 71 and 82, in the face and mouth. After getting off the bus, Barry tried to re-enter via the front door, where he assaulted the driver. But the bus driver was able to get Barry off the bus and close the door. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
напасть на и нанести физические увечия
: 1 phrase in 1 subject