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gen. buffet; punish; pummel; thrash; cuff; hit out; dish out punishment; larrup; deal blows (Andrey Truhachev); deal out blows (Andrey Truhachev); hammer; thresh; strike; weal; lay blows a stick, a whip, etc. on (smb., кому́-л.); lay on blows; lay on strokes; slash at (саблей, шпагой, колющим оружием: On seeing what had happened to Alice, the forester went beserk slashing at the approaching soldiers until his attention was drawn to a low sound emanating from the chasm, it was the death chant of the Lollards, expressing their grief at the loss of one of their brethren, and after this day the songs of the Lollards would never echo against the walls of Ludchurch ever again. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
el. bang
fig. pound (Using high-precision weapons such as the American-supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, Ukrainian forces have pounded the three bridges over the vast Dnipro River that connect thousands of Russian troops to their supply lines in occupied Ukrainian territory east of the river. nytimes.com ART Vancouver)
inf. spat; slap around (to hit someone more than once; This word is used especially about men who hit their wives or girlfriends Taras)
mil. knife; lash; slam; slice; smash; beat
mil., lingo bash (MichaelBurov)
mil., tech. hit
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gen. inflict damage (Ремедиос_П); club (дубиной, прикладом); jab; pop; lunge; buffet; stab (кинжалом и т. п.); cut at (мечом, кнутом; также перен.); get in; strike at; chop; clump; administer a shock; administer a blow; strike at (кому-либо, чему-либо); land; pole-ax; pole-axe; fetch a blow; deliver a blow; carry an attack; deliver an attack; throw punch (кулаком, кистью Vadim Rouminsky); place blow (Vadim Rouminsky); stabber (ножом, кинжалом)
astronaut. strike
comp.games. deliver a blow (Kristina_AT)
dipl. make an attack
el. bang; kick
Gruzovik, mil. deliver an attack; deliver a blow
inf. crack
law hit
Makarov. chop at; deliver a hook; mount strike; strike a blow (кому-либо); strike at (someone – кому-либо); jolt; plant; carry out strike; cut at (мечом кнутом и т. п.); deal a blow (кому-либо); deliver a strike
Makarov., fig. cut at
Makarov., mil. take a crack
Makarov., obs. to martel (особ. молотом, киркой)
mil. deal a blow; hit a blow; lick; have a bash; inflict a blow; attack (Киселев); thrust (Киселев); blow; deal a strike; get a blow; hook; land a blow; launch a blow; level the attack (at; по); mount a strike; mount a thrust; put on an attack; knock; deliver a thrust; conduct an attack (Andrey Truhachev); punch
mil., arm.veh. hammer
mil., inf. take a crack (по); wallop
mil., lingo bash (MichaelBurov)
poetic smite
slang plug
sport. touch (фехтование); fib (ы)
torped. deliver a punch (кулаком); onslaught (нападать)
uncom. strike a blow
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gen. be on one's jack
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sport. tee off (в боксе; в голову Andrey Truhachev)
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gen. deal smb. a blow
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mil. slam
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: 226 phrases in 30 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Armored vehicles2
Figure of speech1
Humorous / Jocular1
Mass media2
Mechanic engineering1
Military aviation3
Obsolete / dated1
Security systems2
Weapons of mass destruction1