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нанести ударstresses
gen. flatten; knock; punish; stab (ножом); get in; strike at; administer a shock; deal a blow (The construction of the Kerch Bridge, Russia's use of force near the Strait, and Russia's harassment of commercial vessels have dealt a severe economic blow to Ukraine's economy.); deliver a blow; inflict a blow (to deal out (blows, lashes, etc) collinsdictionary.com); launch a blow; administer a blow; deliver a stroke; give a jab; come home; deal a blow at (кому-либо); deal a blow to (кому-либо); get home; strike home; touch home; give a job; make a strike at (кому-либо); plant it home; land a punch; throw a punch; hit (Smith said he hit him with a bottle on the face – Смит сказал, что он нанес ему удар бутылкой по лицу. Victor Topol); cut (каким-либо предметом); reach (в боксе и т.п.); give a blow (flourella); inflict damage (Ремедиос_П); hit one home (кому-л.); lay on a blow; lend a blow; offer a blow; hit a blow; strike a blow
dipl. deliver a strike; inflict a strike; launch a strike
fenc. foin
footb. get in a strike (e.g., Granada CF are coming forward, and Alvaro Vadillo gets in a strike. It misses the target, however (from livescore.com). Tamerlane); get in a shot (Tamerlane)
Gruzovik, mil. deliver an attack
idiom. lay a glove on (VLZ_58)
int.rel. go kinetic (Maksim Petrov)
Makarov. give a shake; deal someone a blow (кому-либо); get one's blow in; get one's knife into (someone – кому-либо); strike a blow (кому-либо)
Makarov., inf. curl up
mil. strike (Israeli warplanes on Monday struck what the military command here described as terrorist targets in the Syrian-controlled section of Lebanon's Bekaa Valley); deliver a thrust; have a bash; inflict a defeat; conduct an attack (Andrey Truhachev); make an attack (Andrey Truhachev)
mil., avia. raid (об авиации: Turkish warplanes raided bases of Kurdish separatist guerrillas in Iraqi territory today 4uzhoj)
mil., lingo knock out (KO MichaelBurov)
slang plant; take a pop at (кому-либо – someone Interex)
uncom. inflict a blow ("Inflict a blow" is marginally acceptable, but not usual. What we do is 'inflict damage'. Read more: goo.gl/PmJpwh (с) Victor Topol); strike a blow (Strike a blow" is usually used in this context: "The demonstrators struck a blow for freedom". (с) Victor Topol)
нанести кому-л. удар
gen. inflict a blow on (smb.); give smb. a blow; give a blow to (smb.); strike smb. a blow
нанести сильный удар
amer. coldcock (от которого теряют сознание: On the TV screen, we watched as another unsuspecting officer opened a cell and was coldcocked by an inmate; he crumpled to the floor Taras)
нанесённый удар
sport. punch thrown
нанесённый удар
: 272 phrases in 24 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Criminal law1
Foreign affairs1
Ice hockey2
Mass media4
Military aviation1
Military lingo3
Weapons of mass destruction1