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 нанести поражение
gen. defeat; row up Salt River; hammer; zap; best; worst
book. discomfit
busin. defeat
inf. trounce
mil. deliver destruction
| с большим перевесом
 с большим перевесом
gen. by a wide margin

to phrases
нанести поражениеstresses
gen. defeat; row up Salt River; hammer; zap; best; worst; put to the worse; drub; knock into a cocked hat (кому-либо); hand someone/something a defeat (bookworm); knock into the middle of next week (кому-либо); knock off the perch; inflict a defeat on (кому-либо); outgun; checkmate; inflict defeat (on); dish (часто – о политической борьбе); down (VLZ_58); deliver a defeat (Trump's xenophobic and racist tweets are an affront to our values of decency and diversity. He doesn't understand that disagreements are part of democracy and that he has a duty, above all others, to set a proper tone for our nation. We must deliver him a crushing defeat in 2020. aldrignedigen)
Игорь Миг smash (кому-либо); gain the upper hand; get the better of; eat one's lunch
amer. take into camp
book. discomfit
busin. defeat (someone – кому-либо)
inf. trounce; clobber; wallop
Makarov. give one the worst of it; deal a setback; knock a person off his perch (кому-либо); produce defeat; send under (в соревновании, бизнесе)
mil. deliver destruction; inflict defeat; inflict a blow; inflict a defeat
obs. discomfit (в сражении)
slang bump; kill; knock off; tizzy; hizzy
sport. hand someone a loss (Lawson and Jameer Nelson each scored 18 points as Denver beat Utah 107-91 on Friday night, handing the Jazz their fourth straight loss. VLZ_58)
sport., jarg. spank; spanker
нанести кому-либо поражение
gen. inflict a defeat upon; administer a defeat upon
amer., slang row up Salt River
Makarov. hand someone a loss; administer a defeat upon (someone); inflict a defeat upon (someone)
нанести кому-л. поражение
gen. inflict a defeat on (smb.)
нанести сокрушительное поражение
gen. overwhelm (She was overwhelmed at the polls. [=she was badly defeated in the election] VLZ_58)
нанести поражение: 87 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Mass media1