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налоговый консультантstresses
gen. tax consultant (a person who advises other people and companies on tax affairs, esp on legal ways of paying less tax Example Sentences Including 'tax consultant' "I was in the office building," said Dean Petrovich, 33, a property tax consultant in Toronto. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003) Gail, a tax consultant from Co Louth, set up the website SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2005) I guess the tax consultant who embodies all these qualities would be Ian Mills of our tax investment practice. INDEPENDENT (1999) Vimal Parekh, a leading tax consultant , agrees: "The only area showing the impact of inflation-control is the price of television sets. INDIA TODAY (1997). Collins  Alexander Demidov); tax advisor (A tax advisor or tax consultant is a financial expert specially trained in tax law. Some countries require tax advisors to verify the balance sheets of companies above a certain size. Individuals usually require tax advisors to minimize taxation, to avoid learning the details of tax law in complicated financial situations themselves, or to learn the details of tax law from a professional advisor. WK Alexander Demidov); tax adviser (kee46)
налоговый консультант
: 14 phrases in 6 subjects
British usage, not spelling1