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gen. pour on; spill; infuse
bot. swell; ripen; fill out
met. cast; found
| соками
gen. juice

verb | verb | to phrases
налиться vstresses
gen. load up; cast; fill (up); flow; found; infuse; plump; pour on; spill; swell; flow into (of liquids); get into; become filled (with); ripen (of fruits)
Gruzovik ripen (pf of наливаться); become juicy (pf of наливаться); fill out (pf of наливаться); run in (pf of наливаться); pour in (pf of наливаться); fill with (pf of наливаться); plump up (pf of наливаться); flow in (pf of наливаться)
Gruzovik, inf. get drunk (pf of наливаться); get loaded (pf of наливаться)
tech. pour
vulg. engorge
налить v
gen. spill; pour; fill; ripen; plump; ripe; pour out (чай, вино); run; pour into; fill out (of fruit or grain); swell; cast; found
Gruzovik pour on (pf of наливать); spill; infuse (pf of наливать); pour in (pf of наливать)
black.sl. pour up (pouring up is a term used mainly in the houston, tex rap scene describing the way they pour their drinks (Urban Dictionary) Dencha)
Gruzovik, bot. swell of fruit or grain (pf of наливать); ripen of fruit or grain (pf of наливать); fill out of fruit or grain (pf of наливать)
Gruzovik, met. cast (pf of наливать); found (pf of наливать)
налить? v
inf. a drink? (Alex_Odeychuk)
налившийся соками
: 106 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling2
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Information technology1
Obsolete / dated1