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gen. get straight; set going; put right; align; organize; solder
construct. debug
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gen. interlocution

verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. get something straight; set going; put right; align; organize; solder; set aright; organise (Andrew Goff); tweak (acebuddy); dispose (to); incline (to); repair; set straight; debug (станок); establish; tune; forge (взаимоотношения hubsurath); work out (Mosley Leigh); improve; tune up (работу и т.п.); regulate; normalize; smooth out (relations); straighten out; rectify (The government has promised to rectify the situation. cambridge.org Shabe)
Gruzovik fix (impf of наладить); repair (impf of наладить); tune up (impf of наладить); set straight (impf of наладить); dispose to (impf of наладить); incline to (impf of наладить)
Игорь Миг cobble together
anim.husb. sett
auto. tune-up
automat. debug (напр., станок); setup; make true; run in; set up; tool (станок)
comp. fit
construct. debug (аппаратуру); troubleshoot (работу механизма, оборудования); doctor
dial. drub; make (for); thrash; beat
dril. adjust
Gruzovik, dial. make for (impf of наладить); beat (impf of наладить); drub (impf of наладить); thrash (impf of наладить)
Gruzovik, inf. begin to play or sing (impf of наладить); send to (impf of наладить); dispatch to (impf of наладить)
idiom. get the kinks out (Cairhien)
inf. begin (to play or sing); dispatch (to); send (to)
IT debug (машину)
Makarov. attemper; debug (напр., станок); set (станок); fine up; tune up
Makarov., tech. set up (оборудование)
media. fix
mil., arm.veh. get under way; shape up; mount
oil fettle; doctor (механизм или машину); settle
radio tune up (приём)
row. trim
tech. check out; put in order; set up (станок); debug (MichaelBurov); arrange
uncom. aline
налаживаться v
gen. settle down; straighten out; work out for the best (Баян); turn around (Kenny's life was just starting to turn around after he'd lost his job when he was killed in a car crash last week. – только начала налаживаться ART Vancouver); organise (Andrew Goff); align; regulate; adjust; arrange; dispose (to); fix; get going; go right; incline (to); put right; repair; set; set going; set straight; take shape; tune up; turn out (all right); work out (Баян); improve; look up (о делах и т.п. Notburga); come together (VLZ_58); pick up (Business is picking up after the flooding. – Дела налаживаются / идут на лад. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik get right (impf of наладиться); go right (impf of наладиться); get going (impf of наладиться); take shape (impf of наладиться); turn out all right (impf of наладиться)
dial. drub; make (for); thrash; beat
fig. get untangled (The supply chain is getting untangled. ART Vancouver)
inf. begin (to play or sing); dispatch (to); send (to)
Makarov. organize; spread out (о бизнесе)
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: 96 phrases in 25 subjects
Automated equipment3
Human resources1
Mass media2
Project management1
Security systems1
Textile industry1
Trade unions1