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накрученный prtc.stresses
gen. wordy (Sergei Aprelikov); fancy (Capital); convoluted (Capital)
Игорь Миг peeved
slang inflated (о цене Andrey Truhachev)
накрутить v
gen. drive up (numbers triumfov); rile up (кого-либо fa158); lay up (a quantity of); reel up; twist; turn; wind up (on); wind (onto)
Gruzovik wind (pf of накручивать); turn (pf of накручивать); wind up on (pf of накручивать); reel up (pf of накручивать); twist a quantity of (pf of накручивать); lay up a quantity of (pf of накручивать)
dial. load (on a cart)
Gruzovik, dial. load on a cart (pf of накручивать)
Gruzovik, inf. screw on (pf of накручивать); twist on (pf of накручивать); turn round and round (pf of накручивать); rotate (pf of накручивать); dial (pf of накручивать); dress to excess (pf of накручивать); bundle up (pf of накручивать); be cunning (pf of накручивать); use cunning (pf of накручивать); use guile (pf of накручивать); say something complicated or unusual (pf of накручивать); do something unusual (pf of накручивать); make something unusual (pf of накручивать); create something unusual (pf of накручивать)
inf. create (something unusual); dial; bundle up; do; dress to excess; make; rotate; say (something complicated or unusual); screw; turn round and round; twist on; use cunning; use guile; goose (fa158); be cunning; work someone up into some state (кого-либо) до (состояния; Make sure that the horse stays calm and does not work himself into a frenzy. It was silly to work himself into a state like this. I think I worry more excessively than most and I can work myself up into a panic. Wakeful dormouse)
накрутиться v
gen. lay up (a quantity of); reel up; twist; wind; wind round; be taken up; turn; wind up (on)
dial. load (on a cart)
Gruzovik, inf. be tired out with running (pf of накручиваться); be tired out with bustling about (pf of накручиваться); have had enough of twisting (pf of накручиваться)
inf. create (something unusual); dial; bundle up; bustling about; do; dress to excess; have had enough of twisting; make; rotate; say (something complicated or unusual); screw; turn round and round; twist on; use cunning; use guile; be cunning
: 28 phrases in 9 subjects
Equestrian sports1
Professional jargon1
Security systems1