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slang put a bun in the oven
gen. inflate; prime; fill by pumping; pump; pump full
fig. inf. hammer; make drunk; ram into
inf. prime with
| пузырь
gen. blowhole

verb | verb | to phrases
накачаться vstresses
gen. get tanked; fill by pumping; inflate; pump (a quantity of); pump full; pump up; have had enough (of swinging); get bulked up о мышцах (Vadim Rouminsky); bulk up о мышцах (Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik have been swinging long enough; have had enough of swinging
avunc. get fucked up (Andrey Truhachev)
fig., inf. hammer; make drunk; ram into (someone's head)
Gruzovik, inf. get drunk (pf of накачиваться); become sozzled (pf of накачиваться)
inf. get sloshed with (виски, водкой; whiskey, vodka, etc. sixthson); become sozzled; get all jacked up on (наркотиком: But in reality, a few minutes later it took me another half hour just to get from my chair to my bed and get all jacked up on morphine again. 4uzhoj)
jarg. get buff (накачать мускулатуру: One of my best friends for so long only wanted a family. Then he got buff and attracted hot chicks. Got his heart broken. Boned more hot chicks. Now he's middle-aged and childless and he probably won't have kids. One of the best guys I know otherwise. ART Vancouver)
накачать v
gen. inflate; prime; fill by pumping; pump (a quantity of); pump full; pass on (ввести обезболивающие и т.д. sever_korrespondent); bulk up (мышцы Vadim Rouminsky); pump
Gruzovik pump up (pf of накачивать)
fig., inf. hammer; make drunk; ram into (someone's head)
Gruzovik, fig. hammer into someone's head (pf of накачивать); make drunk (pf of накачивать); ram into someone's head (pf of накачивать)
inf. prime with (Taras); ply (напоить: I’ll ply her full of wine and get the full scoop. Abysslooker)
jarg. knock up (пузо, пузырь)
O&G pump (MichaelBurov)
vernac. disguise
"накачать" v
avunc. make pregnant (Andrey Truhachev); get someone pregnant (Andrey Truhachev); knock someone up Am. (Andrey Truhachev)
med. dope up (лекарствами (анальгетиками) для облегчения боли maystay)
slang put a bun in the oven (Andrey Truhachev)
накачать: 38 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Drug-related slang1
United States1