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verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. shitfaced (об алкоголе fa158)
disappr. full as a boot (igisheva)
inf. legless (British English Lifestruck)
slang soaked (epoost)
нажраться v
gen. get shitfaced (AlexanderGerasimov)
avunc. get fucked up (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, inf. gorge oneself on (pf of нажираться); guzzle; get drunk (pf of нажираться)
inf. pig out (Franka_LV); get rip-roaring drunk (askandy); get drunk; gorge oneself (with, on); guzzle; pound (Urban Dictionary: to consume large amounts of alcohol in a limited amount of time ParanoIDioteque); hit the sauce (Побеdа)
Makarov. stoke up
rude be high (Ася Кудрявцева)
slang get ratted (Anglophile); swack out (qwarty); get shit-faced (VLZ_58)
нажрать v
Gruzovik, inf. consume a quantity of (pf of нажирать); develop a fat neck by overeating (pf of нажирать); develop a fat face by overeating (pf of нажирать); devour a quantity of (pf of нажирать)
inf. develop a fat face by overeating; develop a fat neck by overeating; consume (a quantity of)
нажрался v
inf. hammered (Анна Ф)
: 15 phrases in 5 subjects