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verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. eat (a large quantity of); eat fill; gorge on; cram; load; load up; stuff oneself (with); enjoy one's fill (YuliaO); eat one’s till; eat one’s fill of (with gen. or instr.); gorge oneself; be ready to burst; load one's stomach with food; gorge oneself on (чем-либо)
Gruzovik eat one's fill (impf of наесться); gorge on a large quantity of; eat a large quantity of (impf of наесться); stuff oneself with (impf of наесться)
austral., slang guts
inf. stuff oneself (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. gorge oneself on something (чего-либо); gorge oneself with something (чего-либо); cram down; cram up
nonstand. eat up (я прав? Kosarar)
slang stick to one's ribs
наедать v
Gruzovik, inf. gain weight by overeating (impf of наесть); eat a quantity of (impf of наесть); gain weight by eating (impf of наесть); consume a quantity of (impf of наесть); develop by overeating (impf of наесть); develop by eating (impf of наесть)
inf. develop by eating; eat (a quantity of); gain (weight)
: 20 phrases in 5 subjects