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надуманный adj.stresses
gen. strained; sophisticated; cardboard; factitious; unsubstantiated (Tanya Gesse); a stretcher (напр., предлог Heimann); farfetched (xenkis); artificial (ART Vancouver); fanciful (a fanciful argument ivp); blue sky; trumped up (Tanya Gesse); inflatable (AlexandraM); speculative (Pashkovsky); preposterous (Inna Oslon); fabricated; hokey; flimsy (of a pretext or account) weak and unconvincing a pretty flimsy excuse. NOED. по любому надуманному поводу = on the flimsiest of grounds. Every official inquiry exonerated the perpetrators, dismissing robust evidence on the flimsiest of grounds. Alexander Demidov); non-existent (напр., о проблеме; источник – goo.gl dimock); fictionalized (Lavrov); make-believe (Lavrov); bogus (The British ambassador, Sir Mark Lyall-Grant, called Russia's justification "bogus," while the envoy from Lithuania, Raimonda Murmokaite, told the Council it "resurrects the memory of darkest pages of the 20th century." 4uzhoj); outlandish (Many people might dismiss this example as being outlandish, but it actually isn't that far off from the absurd design decisions that are made all the time by people who just aren't thinking about what they're doing. • Josh Blackman, a constitutional law professor at the South Texas College of Law Houston, called the premise of the lawsuit "outlandish. polygon.com 4uzhoj); contrived (о фильме, пьесе, книге или сюжете: The plot seems contrived vogeler); spurious (Abysslooker); artificial
Gruzovik forced; exaggerated
Игорь Миг overblown; manufactured (под надуманным предлогом); phony; vacuous
busin. vain; far-fetched
cinema laboured
disappr. excruciating
inf. ginned up (ginned up accusations joyand)
law pointless (4uzhoj)
Makarov. blue-sky
uncom. wiredrawn
надумать v
gen. devise; make up one's mind; take into head; think
Игорь Миг set out
Gruzovik, inf. invent (pf of надумывать); set one's mind to (pf of надумывать); make up (pf of надумывать); decide (pf of надумывать)
inf. decide; make up; make up mind; set mind (to); think up
надуматься v
gen. think for a long while
Gruzovik, inf. reflect for a long while; think for a long while
Gruzovik, obs. decide (pf of надумываться); make up one's mind; determine (pf of надумываться)
inf. reflect
obs., inf. make up mind; determine
: 53 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Criminal law1
Human resources1
Mass media2
Modern use1