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gen. tire; molest; annoy; aggravate; interfere; importune
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gen. request

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надоедать vstresses
gen. tire; molest; annoy; aggravate; interfere; importune; pester (with dat.); worry; persecute; devil; harry; pall (обыкн. pall on); peeve; trouble; urge; hassle; niggle; make a nuisance of oneself (кому́-л.); badger; make weary; cloy; herry; get on someone's wick; keep at with (кому-либо, чем-либо); nickel and dime; nickel-and-dimed; nickel-and-diming; nickeled-and-dimed; nickeling-and-diming; din (Aly19); get old (о шутке и т.п. masizonenko); fuss; buzz about; give someone a pain in the neck (кому-либо); cheese off; make oneself a nuisance; pother (Pippy-Longstocking); get at; feed up; bore; dun; tease; bind (поучениями); weary; bother; discommode; get dull (Alex_Odeychuk); dog; exagitate; obtrude; perplex; plague; push; pushing; sit upon one's skirts (кому-л.); toss; turmoil; worrit; be tired of; be sick of; get on the nerves (of); nag; be sick (of); be tired (of)
Gruzovik bother with; plague with; get on the nerves of (impf of надоесть); be tired of; be sick of
amer., slang wig (кому-либо)
austral., slang crap off; get in someone's hair; pick on; rough-house; nark
busin. bother (smb); get fed up with; be fed up with
fig. stick in one's craw
idiom. grind one's gears (Interex); harsh one's mellow (Interex); under my skin (loon); hold on like a limpet to (marena46); cling like a limpet to (marena46); stick like a limpet to (marena46); hang on like a limpet to (marena46)
idiom., slang get up someone's nose
inf. blister; bug; pop boring (HomerS); brown off; feed up pass; humbug
inf., amer. roust
Makarov. get on someone's wick someone's; make oneself a nuisance (to); ply; drive someone to distraction; interfere with; keep at someone with something (чем-либо; кому-либо); keep on (at); make a nuisance of oneself (кому-либо); make a nuisance of oneself to (someone – кому-либо); pall on; pester (someone – кому-либо); stick in one's stomach (кому-либо); stick in one's throat (кому-либо); pall upon; stick in one's gizzard (кому-либо)
Makarov., inf. feed up (обыкн. pass); keep at (просьбами); make someone sick (кому-либо)
Makarov., slang wind up
obs. irk; hitchel; wherret
scottish deave (Yerkwantai)
slang bone; drag; fool around; get one's; get in one's hair; goat; hound; nudge (Taras); nudzh (Taras); ear; bug (Баян); bind (поучениями и т.п.); bug (Alright, Billy. I do what you ask. Only stop bugging me. == Хорошо, Билли. Я сделаю то, что ты просишь. Только хватит ко мне приставать.); piss off; turn off
uncom. hatchel
vulg. ball somebody up (кому-либо); break someone's balls (кому-либо); bugger somebody off (кому-либо); futz about (usu futz about with something); screw somebody up (кому-либо); screw (someone – кому-либо); stick like shit to a blanket
надоедало v
gen. ferreter; worrier
надоедала v
inf. kibitzer
надоедающий prtc.
law interfering
надоедать: 82 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Aviation medicine1
Obsolete / dated2