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gen. haughty; aloof; snippy; cavalier; huffy; lofty
| и
gen. and
| покровительственная
gen. protective
| манера
gen. manner

to phrases
надменный adj.stresses
gen. haughty; aloof; snippy; cavalier; huffy; lofty; proud; sublime; upstage; high-stomached; hoity-toity; puffed-up; disdainful; huffish; imperious; insolent; overly; as proud as Lucifer; bumbling; haught; highty-tighty; puffed; sovereign; wrapped in cellophane; prancing (shergilov); high minded; high stomached; highty tighty; proud stomached; stiff as a ramrod; on one's high horse; pretentious (Taras); toffee nosed (Louis Cyphre); arrogant; assuming; sovran; puffed up; insufferable (Having or showing unbearable arrogance or conceit.‘an insufferable bully'‘insufferable French chauvinism' Bullfinch); contemptuous (alikssepia); condescending (SirReal); supercilious; big with pride; cavalierly; lordly; dictatory; distant; dominative; domineering; elate; elated; fastuous; flaunting; flown; glorious; high; inflated with pride; presuming; presumptive; presumptuous; stout; superb; uppish; boastful (M4k6)
Игорь Миг snooty
amer. smug (You can wipe that smug look off your face. Val_Ships); pussel-gutted (Beforeyouaccuseme)
inf. bumptious
ironic. proud-stomached; high and mighty
Makarov. bloated; splendid; as proud as Lucifer
nautic. bluff
obs. lordlike; orgillous; orgulous
psychol. superior
relig. stiff-necked
rude snotty (kee46)
Scotl. prideful
scottish paughty
slang on ice; righteous; roach; stuck-up; tony; stage; up-stage
uncom. tossy; high-minded
vulg. stiff-assed
надменно adv.
gen. insolently; with a high hand; loftily; cavalierly; lordly; disdainfully; struttingly; superciliously; haughtily; bumptiously; sniffily (suburbian); arrogantly; contemptuously; superbly; imperiously; proudly; presumptuously
idiom. high and mighty (наречный оборот/adverbial phrase: They talk high and mighty, but they owe everyone in town.(The Random House Dictionary of the English Language). Они в долгу у всего города, а спеси хоть отбавляй. obuchalka.org Komparse)
obs. huffishly; elatedly; overweeningly; presumingly; pretendingly; uppishly
"надменно" adj.
gen. con alterezza
надменная: 77 phrases in 11 subjects
Obsolete / dated2