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gen. brew; impend; stare somebody in the face; approach; be brewing; be imminent
geol. move upon; overthrust; thrust over
inf. move
| шапку
gen. cap
| на
gen. on
| лоб
gen. forehead

verb | verb | to phrases
надвинуться vstresses
gen. brew; impend; stare somebody in the face; be brewing; be imminent; pull; push (up to, over); thrust (over); draw forward (Супру); approach; come on; be impending
Gruzovik approach
geol. move upon; overthrust; thrust over
inf. move (a quantity of)
Makarov. draw near
надвинуть v
gen. pull down (over one’s ears, forehead, etc.); clap (to clap a hat on one's head – нахлобучить шляпу); pull; slouch; thrust (over); slap; to overthrust; push (up to, over); pull over (kee46)
Gruzovik move up to/over (pf of надвига́ть); overthrust (pf of надвига́ть); push up to/over (pf of надвига́ть)
geol. thrust over
inf. move (a quantity of)
Makarov. slap on
 Russian thesaurus
надвинуться v
inf. надвигаться
надвинуть v
inf. надвигаться
надвинуть: 19 phrases in 2 subjects