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verb | verb | to phrases
нагуливаться vstresses
gen. acquire; become fat (of animals); develop (as a result of feeding, exercise, etc)
biol. fatten
fish.farm. gain weight (dimock)
Gruzovik, agric. gain weight of animals (impf of нагуляться); become fat of animals (impf of нагуляться)
hydrobiol. feed
нагуливать v
gen. develop (as a result of feeding, exercise, etc)
Gruzovik acquire as a result of feeding, exercise, etc (impf of нагулять); develop as a result of feeding, exercise, etc (impf of нагулять)
agric. fatten (скот)
inf. develop; work up (as a result of walking)
Makarov. lay on (мясо – о скоте); lay upon (мясо – о скоте); put on weight (о скоте; вес)
: 12 phrases in 3 subjects